analytical report – Technical Writing English 3764 @ Virginia Tech–Fall 2015 Fri, 18 Dec 2015 10:30:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Genre Analysis Proposal Mon, 26 Oct 2015 04:00:55 +0000 Continue reading Genre Analysis Proposal]]> After you spend some time thinking about the kind of writing you want to learn about in more detail, you will write a short, informal proposal that tells me what you propose to study. I will review and approve your proposal (or suggest some changes). Here are the details on what you need to do.

When Is the Proposal Due?

You will post your proposal in Assignments sections of Canvas by 11:55 PM Monday, November 2. Your proposal is worth 10 points of your overall grade for Project 4.

What Do You Write?

Write a short proposal that explains the genre (or kind) of writing that you will focus on for your report. You can return to Chapter 11 of Markel for additional help. Address the following points in your proposal:

  1. Background/Introduction
    Give some background on your genre, your experiences with it to date, what you already know, etc. Then clearly state, "I would like to study this genre for the following reasons: . . . ." What are your motivations for doing work in this area?

  2. Areas to be Studied
    What are the key points you will explore/research? What are some questions you will ask and try to answer with this project? What do you intend to do with this project?

  3. Methods of Research
    What is your research strategy? What, exactly, are you planning to do to try to find answers to your questions?

  4. Timetable
    What are your target dates for various stages of completion? You have three to four weeks for this project (depending upon whether you plan to work during Thanksgiving break), so set some deadlines for yourself to ensure you are ready to share your rough draft on November 17 and turn in your project on November 30. Create your schedule to finish by the due date. If you later realize that you need to use the grace period, that’s fine; but plan to finish on time.

  5. Qualifications
    What makes you qualified to do this research? What skills do you bring to the table that will help you deal with this topic effectively?

  6. Request for Approval
    Ask for approval; ask for guidance, articulate your biggest concerns at this point; ask for suggestions about next right steps; provide contact information.

What Happens After You Turn In Your Proposal?

I will read all the proposals and give you feedback on your plan ASAP. Keep working on your project as if you have approval.


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Project 4: Genre Analysis Report Mon, 26 Oct 2015 04:00:50 +0000 Continue reading Project 4: Genre Analysis Report]]> Worth 30% of your course grade
  • Proposal: Worth 10 points
  • Progress Report: Worth 10 points
  • Genre Analysis Report: 80 points

Calendar IconImportant Dates and Deliverables

  • Nov 2: Informal Proposal due by 11:59 PM (2-day grace period)
  • Nov 9: Progress Report due by 11:59 PM (2-day grace period)
  • Nov 17: Rough Drafts for Peer Feedback, due by 11:59 PM
  • Nov 19: Feedback due to two classmates by 11:59 PM
  • Nov 30: Project 4 due by 11:59 PM
  • Dec 7: Grace period ends at 11:59 PM


Hand-drawn briefcase iconbecome an independent writer who who no longer needs a writing instructor to tell you how to compose a genre of writing Recycling iconthink about audience and purpose as you practice the kind of research you will need to do during your career

Hand-drawn File Folders with Magnifying Glass (Search)The Project Assignment

You will learn everything there is to know about a kind of writing you will do in your career. You will find online resources, interview people in the field, and analyze examples. You’ll publish your findings in an analytical report that explains how the genre works. You will write a short proposal and a progress report, in addition to the final report.

Step-by-Step Details

#1 in a maroon circleStep 1: Propose a genre to explore for your project. Return to the table you created for Project 2, or think about the writing you do or will do in your field. Choose a kind of writing that you have not previously done. Ideally, you should choose a kind of writing that you genuinely want to know more about or that you know will be critical to success in your field.

You will research the kind of writing you choose, focusing on the particular kind of writing for the next month. You will turn in a proposal for your project on Monday, November 2.

#2 in an orange circleStep 2: Set your goals for the project.
As has been the case for all the projects in this class, you have the opportunity to aim for the grade you want to earn on this project. The options below outline what you need to do for the grade you want to receive.

No one, in my experience, aims for a D, so I have not included any details for below-average work. If you really want a D, just put in minimal effort and do sloppy work.

The letter A, in white with black outlineComplete the B-level project and then use unique strategies and details that are clever, original, creative, and/or imaginative. Your report should include well-chosen graphics or visual elements that increase its effectiveness. It should have no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting. The letter B, in white with black outlineComplete the C-level project and then use design elements (like headings, layout, etc.) to highlight key information and make the report easy to read and visually appealing. Your report should have no more than two or three minor errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and/or formatting.

The letter C, in white with black outlineWrite an analytical report that discusses the purpose and audience for a particular kind of writing used in your field. The report will discuss all aspects of the genre and will include at least 3 examples. See additional details below in Step 3. Your report should be complete, well-written, and include no more than 5 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Bomb icon (indicating a warning)Warning! No grade is guaranteed.
Make sure your work is error-free, fully-developed, and ready to share with the intended audiences. Any work that is incomplete or that contains multiple errors will not earn an A or an A-.

For instance, say the writer aimed for a B and used design elements to make the report visually appealing, but the finished text was full of typos. It was obvious the writer didn’t proofread at all. The project earns a C rather than a B.

#3 in a maroon circleStep 3: Write your analytical report.
Research and write your analytical report in your word processor. With examples and relevant formatting, your report will likely be close to 20 pages long, though there is not a minimum or maximum page length. Write as much as you need to.

Review the example genre analysis reports to see the kind of layout and design that are appropriate for your project.

The research for your report should include the following:

  • a literature review and evaluation of online resources (to learn what have other researchers already studied and said about the particular genre in question),
  • interviews with people who actually write and read these documents to learn about their experiences with it,
  • and site inspection (examining the actual physical work environment or conditions researchers already studied and said about the particular genre in question), experiences with it, that affect the process of this particular genre is typically composed).

You will analyze and explain the rhetorical situation for your particular genre—that is, you will identify and explain the problem that creates the need for this particular form of written communication, the purpose and occasion that calls this kind of writing into being, or the work that needs to be done and to which this text responds.

You will analyze the audience or users of this particular genre of written communication, including their knowledge, experience, and work environments, their motivations for working with the genre in question, how they perceive and use the text in question, and what they do with it.

You will outline the constraints at work on the writers and the readers of these documents, including computing environments, documents, facts, and workplace objects, but also less tangible factors such as relations, beliefs, attitudes, traditions, images, interests, and motives that are in play in their organizations or workplaces.

You will include a bibliography that provides documentation for all of the resources you have consulted. You may use whatever bibliographical format you are most familiar with. Here are some tools if you are unsure what to use:

You will obtain at least three examples of the particular genre in question and analyze them to extract the generic conventions, characteristics, features, and strategies that distinguish this genre.

You will post a progress report on your project on Monday, November 9. You will post your draft for peer review by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, November 17, and post feedback to your two assigned classmates by 11:59 on Thursday, November 19. Use the advice you receive from your readers to revise your report before the due date.

#4 in an orange circleStep 4: Submit your work in Canvas.
When you are finished with the project, you will upload your file(s) and/or links in the Assignment tool on Canvas. Details on how to submit your work will be included in the post for the week of November 17.

You will use the Comment section for reflection on your project. In this section you will tell me the following:

  • the grade that you have aimed for.
  • how well you reached your goals.
  • any other information I need to know to understand the work you did on your project.

Be sure that you follow the instructions, include the relevant information, and proofread your memo. If you skip adding the Comment, you lower your grade on the project. Remember that there are no rewrites or revisions after work is graded.


Genre Analysis Examples Mon, 26 Oct 2015 04:00:47 +0000 Continue reading Genre Analysis Examples]]> As you begin work on your Genre Analysis Project, you can use these examples to guide your work.

Limited Access

I am limiting access to these examples since they were written by students in previous classes I taught. You will have to log into Google Drive, using your VT.EDU email address to access these files:

Future Examples

I am hoping to use some of your reports as examples for classes in the future. I will ask for your permission during the last week of class.

