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Genre Analysis Proposal

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After you spend some time thinking about the kind of writing you want to learn about in more detail, you will write a short, informal proposal that tells me what you propose to study. I will review and approve your proposal (or suggest some changes). Here are the details on what you need to do.

When Is the Proposal Due?

You will post your proposal in Assignments sections of Canvas by 11:55 PM Monday, November 2. Your proposal is worth 10 points of your overall grade for Project 4.

What Do You Write?

Write a short proposal that explains the genre (or kind) of writing that you will focus on for your report. You can return to Chapter 11 of Markel for additional help. Address the following points in your proposal:

  1. Background/Introduction
    Give some background on your genre, your experiences with it to date, what you already know, etc. Then clearly state, "I would like to study this genre for the following reasons: . . . ." What are your motivations for doing work in this area?

  2. Areas to be Studied
    What are the key points you will explore/research? What are some questions you will ask and try to answer with this project? What do you intend to do with this project?

  3. Methods of Research
    What is your research strategy? What, exactly, are you planning to do to try to find answers to your questions?

  4. Timetable
    What are your target dates for various stages of completion? You have three to four weeks for this project (depending upon whether you plan to work during Thanksgiving break), so set some deadlines for yourself to ensure you are ready to share your rough draft on November 17 and turn in your project on November 30. Create your schedule to finish by the due date. If you later realize that you need to use the grace period, that’s fine; but plan to finish on time.

  5. Qualifications
    What makes you qualified to do this research? What skills do you bring to the table that will help you deal with this topic effectively?

  6. Request for Approval
    Ask for approval; ask for guidance, articulate your biggest concerns at this point; ask for suggestions about next right steps; provide contact information.

What Happens After You Turn In Your Proposal?

I will read all the proposals and give you feedback on your plan ASAP. Keep working on your project as if you have approval.


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