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Project 4 Examples and Progress Report

Project 4 Examples and Progress Report published on

This is the post for the week of November 3, 2015.

Readings for the week of November 3

For this week, read or review the following as needed:

Work for the week of November 3

  • Use the Genre Analysis Examples to guide you as you gather information and draft your own report. You will work on different topics, but the arrangement and kind of information that they include is similar to what you need to work on.

  • After reading the examples, go to the Discussing Example Reports post in Canvas and make two replies, following the instructions that you find in the post.

  • Continue working on your project. You should be in good shape if you complete most of your research by November 9. That will give you a full week to work through your findings and write your report before the peer review draft is due (on 11/17 by 11:59 PM, no grace period).

  • Submit a Progress Report, explaining what you have done so far and outlining what you still need to do by 11:59 on November 9 (2-day grace period ends on November 11). Because your progress report should reflect all the work you have done through the end of this week, the assignment will not open in Canvas until Saturday, November 7.

  • If you need to ask any questions before you write your progress report or have any other questions about the project, send me an email message.


Project 4 Progress Report

Project 4 Progress Report published on No Comments on Project 4 Progress Report

What Are the Key Details?

You will post your progress report in Canvas by 11:55 PM on Monday, November 9.

Your progress report is worth 10 points of your overall grade for Project 4.

What Do You Need to Write?

Write a progress report that outlines

  • what you have completed
  • what work you still have to do
  • how you plan to complete the remaining work for the project.

Include any questions or concerns you have that may affect your progress. Use headings and design to make your report easy to read and understand. Aim for 1 to 2 single-spaced pages.

Are There Examples?

Progress reports are generally structured in the same way, no matter what kind of project you are working on. Here are three general examples:

Also see pp. 302–311 in Markel for another example and additional information on writing your report, including alternate ways to organize your report and suggestions for what to include in your concluding paragraph. Pay particular attention to the notes on ethics and being honest in how you report your progress.

How Do I Turn It In?

  1. Note that the Assignment will not open in Canvas until November 7.
  2. Go to Assignments in Canvas, and choose the Progress Reports activity under the Project 4 heading.
  3. Click the big Submit Assignment button on the upper right. You’ll see this File Upload form:
  4. Click the Choose File button, and navigate to your file. It must be a *.doc, *.docx, or *.pdf file.
  5. (Optional) There is no requirement for reflection comments, since the progress report is already a reflection on how you are doing. If you want to tell me anything about your progress report before I read it however, you can type your message comments in the Comments… box (indicated by the orange arrow in the image above).
  6. Click the Submit Assignment button, and your progress report will be turned in.


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